The Club Championship Tournament is a flighted individual competition consisting of 2 rounds. The Club Champion and Runner-up is determined by the lowest total Gross score. Other winners are determined by low net within the flights. Scores are posted as 'T' scores by the handicapper.
Requirements for the Club Championship Tournament:
1. Must be a Member-in-Good-Standing.
2. Must play and post at least four 18-hole scores with the LOPWGC during regular Wednesday Play during the preceding 12 months. The LOPWGC Board may make exceptions for new members or medical issues prior to the signup deadline.
3. A member who joins both the Lake of Pines Lady 18ers and lady Niner's (dual member) must declare at the beginning of each year whether she wishes to be awarded the opportunity to participate in either the WNHGA (Women's Nine Hole Golf Association) Tournament of Champions or the WGANC (Women's Golf Association of Northern California) Legacy Champion of Champions. A dual member cannot participate in both. Club Champion and Runner Up must have declared the Lady 18ers as their home club.
2024 Club Champion
Karen Gysin
Saturday, September 30 and Wednesday Oct 2
Thank you to
Chairpersons Karen Gysin and Christina Fahlstrom
for hosting the tournament.