Club Play Days
Play Days
Occur every Wednesday, with the exception of Guest Days and Special Tournaments. Shotgun start times are listed in the WGC calendar. Sign-up sheets are available on the bulletin board in the 'library' at the Sports Lounge at least one week prior to the upcoming Play Day.
Refer to Weekly Sweeps for more information.
Playing from the Green Tees
Members may choose to play from the Red Tees or the Green Combo Tees on any play day that is not already specified on the calendar as Green Combo Tees for all. This also includes the Best Ball Partners, Best Ball Foursome, Women's Invitational and President's Cup, recorded as 'T' scores. The exception is the Club Championship which requires play from the Red Tees.
On regular Wednesday play days when some of the field is playing from the Red Tees and some are playing from the Green Tees, you must declare what tee you are playing from to your group before starting the round. You must also indicate on the scorecard what tee you are playing and take the adjusted handicap, if appropriate. In case of tournaments, as noted above, you must declare what tee you are playing from when you sign up for the tournament so score cards can be prepared accordingly. Winners of regular Wednesday play days will receive a Pro Shop gift card quarterly. Players who pick up on a hole that counts in the tournament, or do not finish a full round, are considered to have “Withdrawn” themselves and must line- out their score and write “WD” at the end of the line.
Women's Score Cards
Scorecards must be signed, dated, attested and show Gross and Net Scores, Handicap, which tee box played Red or Green and Adjusted Score. Members who do not complete the card are at risk for Disqualification.
Pace of Play
An 18 hole round of golf should be completed in 4 1⁄2 hours (15 minutes per hole). Players may be disqualified, at the Chairperson’s discretion, if they do not complete the round in 5 hours. All players are required to keep pace with the group in front.
Guest Days
Each member may invite up to three guests or play in a member/member flight.
To be eligible to play, guests:
must have an active 18 hole GHIN number or handicap index.
Can be an active member of the Lady Niners.
Note: The Guest Day Chairperson may specify the criteria for certain guest day tournaments. Sign-up sheets are available in the Pro-Shop 3 weeks in advance with a one week deadline. Entry fees in the form of cash or check are due on day of play, and may include any meals served as a part of the guest day, or as otherwise specified by the chairperson with consent of the WGC Board and published in advance. Members are urged to meet their guests and sign-in and pay at the same time. All participants, even in the Member/Member flight, must pay. The Tournament Chairperson must be notified of any cancellations at least 48 hours prior to the start of play or member will be charged the full amount of the event for themselves and their guest(s).
Our calendar lists various special tournaments, each of which is managed by a chairperson and sometimes with a committee of volunteers. A flyer, with important tournament information, will be posted on the bulletin board in the Sports Lounge or Pro Shop. The Sign-Up sheet will be in the Pro Shop on either the 18’er clipboard or the 18’er display rack on the counter. Tournament fees (in the form of a check made out to LOPWGC) are due at time of sign-up, and should be deposited in the tournament folder at the Pro Shop. No cash will be accepted.
Invitational Tournament
The Women's Invitational is the biggest tournament of the club in terms of quality. The format is a team game. Guests must have an active 18 hole GHIN number and not currently be a member of another LOP golf club to be eligible to play. Guests can be a LOP resident as long as they are not a current member of a LOP golf club. Members may invite up to 3 guests. Scores are posted as 'T' scores by the club handicapper.
If a member chooses not to play on Wednesday during regular sweeps or WGC sponsored tournaments, the member must get a tee time from the pro shop. (Updated July 2023)