Desktop Instructions
Note: If this is the first time that you will be using your Desktop for the Weekly Sweeps Sign Up Sheet or the Blind Draw Sign Up sheet, you need to make sure of the following:
Browser - Make sure you have the latest browser installed. Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Windows (8) and Mac (Safari).
Operating System - Supported are Windows 8 and up and Mac iOS Catalina 10.15.7 and up.
The following is a sample of the Weekly Sweeps Sign up Sheet on the desktop.
There are two different sign up sheets:
Regular weekly sweeps sign up day - Regular Weekly Signup
Blind draw sign up day (usually scheduled on General Meeting Days) - Blind Draw Signup
If the day of the sweeps play is blank, do not sign up. It could mean there is a tournament scheduled on one of our regular weekly sweeps day (i.e., Invitational, Best Ball, etc.) or you should check to see if it is a blind draw day.
To add your name, place your cursor in the green area outlined in blue. Type in your first and last name.
Press the 'Return' or 'Enter' key. You will see a confirmation - Yes is in the signed up column followed by the timestamp.
If you need to remove your name, place your cursor on your name and press the 'DELETE' key. You will see that your name, signed up and timestamp columns are blank.
If you made a mistake, press the 'UNDO' key (upper left hand corner) until it looks correct. [Let's say you deleted someone's name by accident].
NOTE: If you try to enter information in other cells on the spreadsheet, you will receive the following message. Click 'OK' to continue. You do not need to contact the owner of the spreadsheet. You are only allowed to enter your name on the spreadsheet and no other cells are available for you to edit.
When finished, close the tab.