Posting Scores

It is each member’s responsibility to post the score of all games played home and away unless otherwise noted. Posting may be done on the computer in the Pro Shop or at the away course you play. Posting may also be done from your phone or computer on the NCGA website or GHIN.COM.

If 9 or more holes are played your score must be posted HOLE BY HOLE leaving the unfinished holes blank.  The Handicap Chairperson should be consulted for any posting problems or questions. 

Score Posting per Hole per the World Handicap System:

 hole plus 2 strokes plus any handicap strokes.


Beginning in 2020 handicaps will be adjusted at midnight each night. The Playing Conditions Calculation in the new posting system will analyze daily scores to determine if conditions of play differed significantly from “normal” to the extent that scoring was impacted. The goal is to give players more accurate evidence of their ability. Therefore scores must be posted on the day of play before midnight.  Players will be notified on game days and tournaments what handicap date will be used.

Maximum Hole Score

In the World Handicap System of Golf, the Maximum Hole Score for posting purposes will be Net Double Bogey, which is par plus 2 plus your pops on that hole.


Par 5......5 + 2 + your pops on that hole=

Par 4......4 + 2 + your pops on that hole=

Par 3......3 + 2 + your pops on that hole=

In a game where “picking up” is allowed, the player should post the most probable score she would have had on the hole if she had continued playing, but not greater than the maximum allowed for her handicap.

Likely Hole Score

In a game where “picking up” is allowed, the player should post either their "likely" score or "net double bogey" score, whichever is lower if she had continued playing.

The following guidelines should be used to determine a most likely score:

If the ball lies on the putting green no more than 5 feet from the hole, add one stroke.

If the ball lies between 5 feet and 20 yards from the hole, add 2 or 3 additional strokes depending on the position of the ball, difficulty of the green and your ability.

If the ball lies more than 20 yards from the hole, add 3 or 4 additional strokes depending on the position of the ball, difficulty of the green and your ability 2.