Club Information

Northern California Golf Association

LOPWGC is a member of the NCGA and the WGANC Legacy (Women's Golf Association of Northern California), which promotes and serves the interest of women’s amateur golf in Northern California. The WGANC Legacy provides a digital online copy of the “Green Book”, which includes their tournament calendar and useful information regarding other golf club locations, Open Day dates, invitational tournaments, and course handicap tables. This can be found on  Refer to the WGANC Legacy Events.

Open Days are an excellent way to meet golfers from other clubs and a wonderful opportunity to play different courses. If you are not familiar with this program, please ask the Open Day Chairperson or any of our members for help.

Please be aware that there is a penalty for no-shows. Sign-ups are generally three weeks in advance of the date, available in the Open Day binder located in the WGC cabinet in the main hall of the Sports Lounge.

General Meetings

Monthly meetings are usually scheduled on the first Wednesday of every month, with the exception of months with heavy schedules. Golf will precede or follow the meeting. In the event of bad weather, meeting changes will be announced via an email communication to the membership.

Members are encouraged to attend the general meetings as decisions may be made that affect our golf course and club business.

For minutes of general meetings, click here.