Appointed Chairpersons and their Duties
Sweeps Tournament Chairperson
Linda Hefti
Club Storage Facility
Patti Abbott
Diane Friedberg
Club Handicapper
Sally Jenkins
Sandie Runte
Open Days
Jo Walker
Carol Cunninham
Maureen Burnett
Sandy Malin
Scholarship and NCGA Club Representative Carolyn Bechly
Ilene Hruby
Team Play Captain
Barbara Kilborn
Website Production
Diane Friedberg
Website Production
Sandy Malin
Sweeps Treasurer
Linda Stegeman
Please note:
Members of the Handicap Committee are assigned based upon their position in the club.
Captain, Karen Gysin
Club Handicapper, Sally Jenkins
Rules, Maureen Burnett and Sandy Malin
Tournament Sweeps - Linda Hefti
1. Club Storage Facility Chair shall:
a. Inventory and control storage unit.
b. Transfer all books and records to new Club Storage Facility chair.
2. Communications Chairperson shall:
a. Maintain and update the email distribution list of WGC members for the WGCLOP gmail account.
b. Train users to use the WGCLOP gmail account for distribution of club information.
c. Transfer all books and records to new Communications Chairperson.
3. Handicap Committee shall:
a. This committee is responsible for all aspects of compliance with the USGA Handicap System regarding score posting, peer review, corrections in records and calculations, and handicap revisions and adjustments.
b. Committee will meet to resolve issues that may arise during regular or tournament play.
c. The committee members include the Handicapper, Captain, Rules Chairwoman, and Tournament Chairwoman.
4. Membership Chairperson shall:
a. Edit, publish, and distribute the current membership information and application.
b. Process new membership applications as per instruction manual.
c. Maintain a current list of all members contact information.
d. Prepare and distribute membership renewal notices.
e. Transfer all books and records to the new membership chair.
5. Open Day Chairperson shall:
a. Receive and post Open Day notices and sign-up sheets for each event.
b. Mail sign-up sheets according to the required dates and keep a copy on file.
c. In case of limited entry, she will have to decide, according to “Open Day Criteria”, which members are eligible to attend and notify all who signed up.
d. Organize the LOP Open Day Tournament.
e. Work with the LOP Food and Beverage for all food service needs.
f. Transfer all books and records to the new Open Day Chairperson.
6. Publicity Chairperson shall:
a. Distribute reports of club activities to appropriate media.
b. Write a column for the LOP monthly newspaper.
c. Transfer all books and records to the new Publicity Chairperson.
7. Roster Production Chairperson shall:
a. Work with Captain, Co-Captain, and Tournament chair to produce yearly roster.
b. Transfer all books and records to the new Roster Production chair.
9. Special Tournament Chairpersons shall:
a. Be responsible for reviewing past tournament binder, coordinating the event, appointing her own committee and arranging for prizes.
b. Take a head count of participants and confirm total with LOP Food and Beverage during the event to ensure proper billing. Appoint a knowledgeable substitute if unable to attend.
c. Advise the Treasurer of the final head count and the individual meal price.
d. Provide a copy of the tournament results to the Publicity and Website Chairpersons.
e. Provide a list of the winners who will receive Pro Shop Credits to the Sweeps Treasurer and Club Treasurer.
f. Send a copy of the Tournament Worksheet (income/expense report) to the Treasurer and the Captain.
g. Ensure Treasurer has received all bills from Food and Beverage, Pro Shop and Accounting in a timely manner.
h. Update the tournament binder and transfer all books and records to the new Tournament Chairperson.
10. Sunshine Chairperson shall:
a. Send cards to ill and bereaved members.
b. Transfer all books and records to the new Sunshine Chairperson.
11. Sweeps Treasurer Shall:
a. Maintain separate bank account.
b. Obtain list and money of weekly sweeps winners from Tournament Chairperson and record winnings in each member’s account.
c. Be responsible for verifying and paying bills submitted by the LOP accounting office. Record purchases on each member’s account.
d. Post updated sweeps balance sheet.
e. Prepare monthly account balance and submit to the Treasurer.
f. Periodically compare own records with those of the Pro Shop.
g. These duties may be performed by the elected treasurer or any member in good standing.
h. Transfer all books and records to the new Sweeps Treasurer.
12. Team Play Captain shall:
a. Be responsible for the selection of team members based on qualifications.
b. Attend and represent LOP at Team Play meetings.
c. Determine the Team Play uniform on a yearly basis.
d. Organize transportation and notify team members for each away event.
e. Be responsible for “Team Play Day” at LOP, working with the LOP Food & Beverage.
f. Report results to the general membership when applicable.
g. Transfer all books and records to the new Team Play Captain.
13. Sisters/Women's Golf Day Tournament Chair shall:
a. Recruit a committee of an 18er and a 9er to assist in determining the format, prizes, etc. and communicate all details to both clubs.
b. Coordinate lunch with LOP Food and Beverage or arrange for an informal picnic within LOP.
c. Maintain all records and transfer books to the new chairpersons.
14. Holiday Luncheon Chairperson shall:
a. Coordinate the holiday luncheon in even years. The WGC alternate responsibility for this event each year with the 9ers.
b. Work with LOP Food and Beverage for all food service needs.
c. Communicates all details to the membership of both clubs.
15. NCGA Club Representative (new in 2024)
This was the Ambassador position which has been retired by the NCGA in 2024. Responsibilities of the NCGA Club Representative
16. Website Production Chairperson shall:
a. Work with appropriate parties to produce and maintain club information, postings, pictures, and schedules on LOP website.
b. Transfer all books and records to the new Website Production Chairperson..
17. Rules Chairperson shall:
a. Render decisions in regards to USGA Rule Book and local rules of the Lake of the Pines Women’s Golf Club.
b. If necessary, convene a rules committee of the Captain, Rules Chair, and Tournament Chair.
c. Post and update local rules as necessary.
d. Acquaint new members with rules of golf course.
e. Attend WGANC Legacy annual regional meeting for rules updates.
f. Transfer all books and records to new Rules Chairperson.
18. Rules Chairperson shall: